What is a registered agent for an LLC in New York state?

What is a registered agent for an LLC in New York state?

Welcome to “What is a registered agent for an LLC in New York state?”

A registered agent is an individual or business that agrees to accept legal documents and correspondence on behalf of your LLC. In New York, your LLC must have a registered agent who is either:

  1. an individual resident of New York; or
  2. a business entity authorized to do business in New York.

Your registered agent must have a physical address in New York state and must be available during normal business hours to accept service of process.

Your LLC’s registered agent is responsible for receiving important legal and tax documents on behalf of your LLC and forwarding them to you in a timely manner. These documents can include everything from notices of lawsuits and summonses to annual tax forms. Having a registered agent ensures that you will not miss any important deadlines or fail to receive important correspondence.

While you can serve as your own registered agent in New York, it is generally not advisable. This is because your home address and personal information will become part of the public record, which can lead to unwanted solicitations and even identity theft. Additionally, if you are out of town or otherwise unavailable when important correspondence arrives, your LLC could be penalized.

For these reasons, most LLCs in New York choose to appoint a professional registered agent service. These companies are typically inexpensive (usually around $100 per year), and they will handle all correspondence on behalf of your LLC quickly and efficiently.

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