There are a few key steps you’ll need to take in order to form and run an LLC. Here’s a quick overview:
- Choose a business structure. You’ll need to decide whether you want to form a traditional LLC, a series LLC, or another type of business entity.
- Choose a name for your LLC. This should be something that reflects the nature of your business and is easy to remember.
- File the necessary paperwork with your state government. This will usually involve filing articles of organization and paying a filing fee.
- Create an operating agreement for your LLC. This document will outlines the rules and regulations for running your LLC and can help protect your personal assets in the event of legal action against the business.
- Obtain any licenses or permits required to operate your business. This will vary depending on the type of business you’re running and the state in which you’re located.
- Open a business bank account. This will allow you to keep your personal and business finances separate and make it easier to track expenses and income for tax purposes.
- Comply with all applicable tax laws. This includes applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS and filing annual tax returns as required by your state government.
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