Can a non-profit and for-profit exist under a holding company (LLC)?

Can a non-profit and for-profit exist under a holding company (LLC)?

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There is no simple answer to this question, as the answer may vary depending on the specific structure of the holding company and the nature of the business activities conducted by the non-profit and for-profit entities. However, in general, it is possible for a holding company to own both a non-profit and for-profit entity, so long as the activities of each entity are kept separate and distinct.

There are a few key considerations that need to be taken into account when determining whether or not a holding company can own both a non-profit and for-profit entity.


  • First, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that all 501(c)(3) organizations operate exclusively for charitable, educational, or religious purposes. If the holding company is engaging in any business activities that do not fall within these categories, then the IRS could deem the organization to be operating for profit and revoke its tax-exempt status.
  • Second, even if the holding company is only engaging in activities that are permissible for a non-profit organization, it is still important to ensure that there is a clear separation between the two entities. This means that the holding company should maintain separate books and records, bank accounts, and employee processes for each entity. Failure to do so could result in commingling of assets and/or liabilities, which could jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the non-profit entity.
  • Lastly, it is worth noting that many states have laws prohibiting corporations from owning interests in other corporations. As such, before establishing a holding company that owns both a non-profit and for-profit entity, it is important to check with your state’s corporate law to ensure that such ownership would be permissible.

In conclusion, while there are some challenges that need to be considered when establishing a holding company that owns both a non-profit and for-profit entity, it is generally possible to do so. By ensuring that the activities of each entity are kept separate and distinct, and by following all applicable state and federal laws, you can help protect the tax-exempt status of your non-profit organization while still conducting business activities through your for-profit entity.

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